This is a conversion course from any other fat dissolve training to Lemon Bottle Application.
Our CPD Lemon Bottle Skin Booster Conversion Course will equip you with the skills to administer this highly popular, effective, rejuvenating skincare treatment.
This is an instructional, educational programme only.
Pre requisites are that you are already trained in mesotherapy or microneedling, and know your craft.
Immediate start dates available for this course - contact +44 7482 635290 to arrange dates now.
If you wish to split the payment or pay a deposit, contact me directly and we can discuss payment plans.
Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Conversion Course
Before you purchase our Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve Skin Booster Conversion Course, please note that you need to have completed the prerequisite training as follows:
To enrol in the Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve Conversion Course, you must possess a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or equivalent certification in Fat Dissolving.
Enrolling in the Lemon Bottle Skin Booster Conversion Course requires a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or equivalent certification in either Mesotherapy or Micro-needling.
If you don’t have the prerequisite training, we run the following courses below. Do contact us if you are not sure which course you need.
- Skin Booster Course
- Mesotherapy Course